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联系人:吴松华 先生 (销售)
电 话:0755-82927423
手 机:18823722265




    3.5A 180KHz 36V Buck DC to DC Converter With CV/CC Loop



General Description















Wide 8V to 36V Input Voltage Range

Output Adjustable from 1.25V to 32V

Maximum Duty Cycle 100%

Minimum Drop Out 0.3V

Fixed 180KHz Switching Frequency

Maximum 3.5A Switching Current

Internal Optimize Power MOSFET

High efficiency

Excellent line and load regulation

With output constant current loop

Built in thermal shutdown function

Built in current limit function

Built in output short protection function

SOP8-EP package

The CX8517 is a 180 KHz fixed frequency

PWM buck (step-down) DC/DC converter,

capable of driving a 3.5A load with high

efficiency, low ripple and excellent line and

load regulation. Requiring a minimum

number of external components, the regulator

is simple to use and include internal

frequency compensation and a

fixed-frequency oscillator.

The PWM control circuit is able to adjust the

duty ratio linearly from 0 to 100%. An over

current protection function is built inside.

When short protection function happens, the

operation frequency will be reduced from

180KHz to 48KHz. An internal compensation


 Car Charger

block is built in to minimize external

component count.

吴松华 先生 (销售)  
电  话: 0755-82927423
传  真: 0755-83505459
移动电话: 18823722265
公司地址: 中国广东深圳市龙岗区上李朗珠宝创新产业园A4栋1001
邮  编:
公司主页: http://wusonghua1978.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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深圳市诚芯微科技有限公司 公司地址:中国广东深圳市龙岗区上李朗珠宝创新产业园A4栋1001
吴松华 先生 (销售) 电话:0755-82927423 传真:0755-83505459
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